服務包括 Service Including:
- 提供7*24小時電話支持 Providing 7 ×24H telephone support
- 提供多層次運維隊伍 Providing several professional teams
- 定期深度巡檢、強調預防維護 Inspection, emphasis on preventive maintenance on a regular basis
- 緊急響應客戶報修 Emergency response to customer service
- IT服務報告 IT service report
便捷的服務方式 Easy Way:
- Tel:0510-82712722
- 網站 Website:m.j2eehome.com
成本的降低 Reduce Costs:
- 降低人員成本 Reducing the personnel cost
- 降低管理成本 Reducing the management cost
高質量服務 Best Quolity Service:
- 專業(yè)化IT服務 IT specification of service system
- 標準化服務流程 Standardized service process
- 完整的服務報告 Completed report system